While a model is being built it is necessary to test its running qualities.When it is in front of us ready-made, painted and lettered, it is too late to discover its wobbling or poor running qualities. Earlier I tested the models on sectional rails plugged together on my desktop. This is enough to find out if the model runs at all. For more detailed tests a longer track is needed. First I used a loop made of sectional rails on the floor. This is very uncomfortable, however, to watch a model lying on the floor. For the models the floor is not a safe place anyways. So I have designed a testbench.
The first testbench was designed to run along the dining room walls.
The module length is 900mm (~3') determined by the flex rails available.
These rails are made from steel, a small Italian manufacturer offered them
for the US market. I purchased them in Germany, much cheaper than the usual
sectional tracks. I also bought sectional pieces from this cheap rail. As
the rails are stored in the rather dry room no corrosion has been observed
in the last 10 years. It is true, the steel rails get dirty faster than the
nickel silver ones. But far not as fast as the brass rails.
The rails start on the workdesk, go along the wall of the dining room, turn with a soft curve at the wall end and climb up on the top of the heating radiator. At the end, of course, a stop guard is mounted to avoid trains roll off the testbench.
Originally I planned a dual track system with loop on each end, this would let the trains
to run continuously around. But the construction problems and space requirements
of the loops did not allow to build this structure.
Now the trains can run along the 7 meters (23') long layout and they reverse
back the whole length. Interestingly no train derailed ever, not even while
reversing. The rail connections are far from perfect, at some section ends
there are some 1-1.5mm gaps between the rails. These let the trains to give
nice clicking noise but no derailment. The curve shows a 585mm (22.5") radius,
this makes it possible to operate even brass steam locos without difficulties.
The module width is 150mm (6"), the
supports are cut from
25x50mm (1x2") construction wood.
The bottom part is wider than the top
to fix the modules well at the walls. The top surface is cut from wooden
panels. They are fixed to the legs by M5 screws
with angles made from aluminium sheets.
The layout is not static, it can be mounted in a half an hour.
It is possible to disassemble in 20 minutes -
putting the usual furniture back into place included.
The flex rails are fixed on the wooden surface by tiny screws and fixing plates. They have rail joiners on the ends but these are not fixed to any rail as it could break down during mounting and storing. For a secure current supply there are 10 pole flat cables mounted on the surface top and 2-2 poles are connected to the rails by soldering on every module. The flat cables are equipped with IDC connectors which allow an easy connecting and deconnecting.
The main problem with the first testbench was that it was not possible to let run the trains continuously. This is, however, necessary for running in the locos. Thus I have constucted another testbench, an oval one. Sometimes we use the old layout, but the new one gives more joy.
The second testbench has no legs (not yet),
it can be placed on the top of the dining table.
The 22" (559mm) radius is enough to operate brass steamer models.
The layout is in both dimensions larger than the table but this makes no
troubles. The new table is longer and here the module joints are not any
more outside of the table surface. To clean the screws on the bottom the
layout will be put on distance holder pieces. It is also possible for the
future to construct legs and then the dining table is not necessary for the
operation. The modules are connected with aluminium plates on the bottom
side. I use rail joiners here too.
This close picture also shows I did not succeed to mount the rail ends exatly in line with the panel edge. On some connections there is again a 1mm gap. Usually this does not make troubles, not even in the curves except if the rail ends are not lined up horizontally or vertically.
I have isolated the rails. The consequence was that the locomotives made a short circuit always when crossing the frog with one wheel and having contact with the other one. As the short circuit was a short time one, made no problems with the traditional analog operation. With DCC it became worse. The DCC controller has a very efficient overcurrent sensor that stopped the operation even at the shortest time short circuit.
Shortly after finishing the testbench a need for an upgrade arised. First
the "station" was extended by a siding to store unused locos. With this
a new switch was added and the siding was electrically separated from
the main track. The next big upgrade was to add two short sections
where the first one allowed to return the second rail of the "station"
to the main line. This way it was possible to let running locos and trains
continuously using the second rail and thus the curved path of the switches.
As a last improvement the left side half circle was extended by a second
rail. This way it is now possible to operate two trains in parallel using DCC.
In addition all tracks were placed on a new rail base. This is constructed from two layers of 2.0mm cork plates. The upper layer is 42.0mm (1.65") wide, the lower one is 46mm (1.8") wide. This way it will be possible later to add ballast. The two track left side of the circle was fully newly costructed. the old Code 83 Atlas rails were removed from the old baseplate and a new, wider baseplate was cut that can accommodate the double track. The new, larger radius track was made from Tillig-Elite flex rails, using the new rail bender tool.
The second Testbench served well for long time.
However, the
Class 327 Loco model design
did not allow to negotiate 22" radius track.
Thus I designed new, curved sections.
The left side track contains 22" radius curved rails on the inner track, the outer one has 24.4" radius, which is well negotiated by the Class 327 loco models. The other part on the right side that contains a single, 22" radius track was impossible to upgrade. Thus I made a decision to change the double track modules from the left side to the right side. For the left side new modules have been constructed. Here the inner track has the 24.4" radius, the outer one is constructed with 26.8" radius. These are Tillig flexible rails, using the rail bending tool. This way the whole testbench has grown by 4.8" wider and 2.4" longer. Fortunately, the support beams were long enough to handle the new size.
The new, double track on the right side gave the opportunity to add a switch to the end of the S-curve. To operate both remote switches a wired control connection was installed.
This way it was necessary to reconstruct not only the curved sections but the whole far part of the layout. Thus the old track was removed and new cork base was cut and glued on the baseplate. The tracks were made from Tillig Elite flexible rails. On the far side a "real" S-curve was laid down, but still maintaining a minimal radius of 27.5".
The testbench has no more rail joiners. The rail ends are all soldered to a fixation screwed to the baseplate. As most sections have dual tracks it is not an easy job to arrange the rail ends exactly enough. To make this task less difficult I made a jig from nickel silver sheet that arranges the rails in exact distance.
The more difficult leveling of the sections when assembling the layout makes the setup more than one hour. During the first runs it is often necessary to fine tune the rail connections on the places where locos derail. To dismantle the layout needs usually half an hour. The flat sections piled up do not need much space on a shelf.
This page was updated last time on November 24th, 2023
© János Erö