The Class 342 Model Building

  1. The Gearbox MAV Class 342 model minipic
    1. The old Gearbox
    2. The new Gearbox
  2. The Frame and Wheels
    1. The Frame
    2. The Wheels
    3. The Current Collectors
    4. The Front Footplate
  3. the Rods
    1. The Main and Connecting Rods
  4. The Front Assembly Unit
    1. The Cylinder Blocks
    2. The Yoke
    3. The Crosshead Guide
    4. The Valvegear Fixations
    5. The Reverse Link
    6. The Reverse Lever
    7. The Valvegear Rods
  5. The Superstructure
    1. The Cab
    2. The Water Tank sides
    3. The Boiler and Tank Top
    4. The Smokebox
  6. Small parts MAV Class 342 model minipic
    1. The Stack
    2. The Domes
    3. The Water Inlets
    4. The Steps
    5. The Handgrabs
    6. The Injectors
  7. The Running-In and Painting

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This page was updated last time on 3rd October 2003
© János Erö